June 3rd, 2002

Well, another day, another update. I still find this whole process kind of amusing. At this point, I imagine my comic probably only has, say, three readers, (Two if you don't count my mother,) so making these newsposts seems like an exercise in futility. At the same time, I don't want to start harassing other cartoonists to plug my site until I have a slightly more substantial archive of strips, so the readership is probably going to stay this low for at least a couple of weeks. In the meantime, I get to write newsposts that will only ever be read within the archives.

Posting up these older comics of mine is a constant source of amusement for me, though. Take today's strip, for example. Even if you are reading this comic the day it was posted, it has still been a very long time since I drew it, because I am trying to maintain a two-months-worth surfeit of comics at all times so that I'll never fall behind in posting. Prior to this and the other two comics that have been posted so far, I always drew Sam and Fuzzy in a six or seven panel format. Methinks that when I was drawing this one, I hadn't yet got a handle on the reduced amount of dialogue that can fit in the four panel format. Just wait till you see how I've managed to trim out the text in the strips I'm working on now.

You'll be waiting 'til August, though. Giggle.

Sam Logan

Sam and Fuzzy is Copyright 2002 By Sam Logan