June 7th, 2002

Yup, dead monkeys. This is the stuff of classic comedy, people.

Keenspace's webserver seems to be doing the hokey pokey with my webpage lately, which I suppose I would have recieved more complaints about if anyone was actually reading this thing. I'm starting to get a little annoyed with these Keenspace guys, to tell you the truth. For one, I have NEVER been able to update this site on a first try, as the FTP service has been inaccessible for hours at a time. Secondly, they still seem to be refusing to add this page to their list of hosted sites, which I imagine makes it difficult for anyone to be aware of its existence. Granted, Keenspace is free and I really shouldn't be complaining, but I am trying to run a website here. Hopefully all this nonsense has just been a bad coincidence, but if things don't pick up soon, I may have to break down and buy some real webspace.

Sam Logan

Sam and Fuzzy is Copyright 2002 By Sam Logan